2023-02-16 14:08

Alexander Kukuev spoke at the BUSINESS SUMMIT DUBAI, organized by «Club of the Firsts»

The project brought together 136 participants, representatives of government authorities, and experts from various fields.
The event was held for the first time in a new format: as part of the summit preparation, a personal interview was conducted with each participant. This approach allowed identifying the business needs of each guest and forming individual road maps with useful recommendations that helped make the summit stay as effective as possible.

In addition to individual business connections, a space for networking in small groups was created for participants — Fast Business Meetings. This format allowed participants to conduct joint brainstorming and expand their business contacts.

UPPERCASE powered by K&P GROUP was the GR partner of the event. Alexander Kukuev spoke on the topics «Overview of the UAE’s free zones» and «Opportunities in Mauritius for business opening».
«Club of the Firsts» is the largest business community for owners and top managers of medium and large businesses, created in 2017. Today, the club unites more than 800 participants who are market leaders in 26 industries.
The main goal of the club is to create a space of trust where complex business tasks are solved in an open dialogue, joint projects are implemented, and new opportunities for the growth and development of each participant’s business are opened.